衆議院議員岡田 克也元副総理、元外務大臣
現在、立憲民主党 常任顧問


Katsuya OKADA
Member of Japan’s House of Representatives
Exective Advisier
Chairman, Diplomacy and Security Strategy Project Team
The Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan
Former Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Office: #506, 1st Members’ Office Building, 2-2-1 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
- Tel: +81-3-3508-7109
- Fax: +81-3-3502-5047
- Email: webmaster@katsuya.net
– Born in 1953 in Yokkaichi City, Mie Prefecture. |
– Upon graduation from the University of Tokyo Faculty of Law, enters the former Ministry of International Trade and Industry. First elected to the House of Representatives in 1990 (elected to 11 terms to date). |
– Devoted to the conviction “Realizing Politics Capable of Regime Change,” key figure in launching the opposition Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) in 1998. |
– Serves as Secretary General, President and other DPJ posts. In the House of Representatives Election of 2009, the DPJ achieves regime change to assume control of the Japanese government. |
– Under the subsequent DPJ administration, serves as Minister of Foreign Affairs, DPJ Secretary General and Deputy Prime Minister. |
– Striving to rebuild the party, chosen as DPJ President in 2015, and then President of the newly formed Democratic Party (DP) in 2016. |
– Emerging from the breakup of the DP in the general election of 2017, instrumental in establishing the new Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan (CDPJ) in 2020. |
– Serves as Secretary-General, for 2 years, CDPJ. |
– Currently serves as Chairman, Diplomacy and Security Strategy Project Team, CDPJ. |
Hobbies | Watching movies, training in the gym, collecting frog figurines, reading |
Favorite foods | Fruit, Japanese-style confectioneries |
Most respected person | Oda Nobunaga |
Personal motto | Great talents mature late. |
Family | Married with one daughter and two sons |
Main Writings (Japanese only)
– A Change of Government Changing this Nation (published by Kodansha) |
– Okada Talks (published by Takeda Random House Japan) |
– Diplomacy from the Frontlines of Nuclear Disarmament and Secret Agreement Issues (published by Iwanami Shoten, Publishers) |